Author Archive

4 ways to make explainer video content sticky

December 10, 2019

People in the shape of videos playback button

There’s a lot of love for videos on the internet these days.

Social Media Week says that by 2022, the number of videos crossing the internet per second will approach 1 million translating into 82 percent of all online traffic.

If you’re considering making explainer or micro-learning videos part of your marketing strategy, make sure they have these four key ingredients to make them resonate and stick with your viewers. Read more

5 things your digital content needs to be hands-down amazing

March 25, 2017

2017-03-25_11-03-40When you need information, advice or directions, where do you go? If you’re like most people on the planet, your go-to source is the Internet. You can literally find anything about everything on the Internet.

There is more digital content on the web than we can possibly consume in a lifetime. Which may be great if you’re a searcher. But if you’re a company that wants to build a strong connection with your prospects and customers…not so much.

How do you make your message stand out in the Internet quagmire? Read more

Why website writing should not be a DIY project

May 11, 2015

website writing - man at computerHere’s a sad, typical scenario in my world:

The client wants a website.

The client hires a web designer.

The client says he’ll provide the words.

The website sits… for days, weeks, even months.

It may look pretty – but it has no words. It’s like a skeleton waiting for someone to put flesh on its bones. Where is the website copy? Read more

Bringing your brand into alignment

November 08, 2014

Is your brand cowering in the corner, whipped into submission over the years by several writers taking a stab at it?

OK, that sounds more painful than it is. But the point is your “brand” may be suffering from an identity crisis. Read more

How much did Google buy from you last month?

October 26, 2014

Of course that’s an absurd question. We don’t sell to search engines – we sell to humans.

And yet, so many websites tend to pander to the search engines. Why? For top rankings, of course. Read more

A neophyte guide to understanding keywords

February 08, 2010

connecting search to social networks
photo credit: Search Engine People Blog

What’s a keyword?

Keywords (or keyphrases) are the words people type in the Google box to find something specific on the web.

Why do I care?

Let’s say you run a daycare centre in Toronto. A searcher types “Toronto daycare centre” in the search box, and you just happen to have this phrase on your site. Read more

Do you feed off pressure?

January 25, 2010

Running feet - redToday is Monday – the beginning of a whole new week.

I feel like a runner at the start line. Anything can happen now. The phone will ring or an email will come in, and I’ll be off – pounding at the keyboard, draining the coffee pot, feeling the rush of excitement, and soon…. bending under the weight of the stress. Read more

Why free press release sites may be all you need

January 14, 2010

Online press releases are perfect for an SEO tactic called “link building.” Link building is the process of creating inbound links to your site from other sites. The more inbound links your site has pointing to it, the more popular your site is perceived to be by the engines. And that bodes well for your rankings. Read more

Making a list and checking it twice

December 18, 2009

It’s the Christmas season. Do you know how I know?

IMG_0380_2_2_2I know it’s Christmas because I have no fewer than five lists on the go. My gift list, a secret gift list for my kids and husband, a list of year-end projects to complete, today’s MUD to do list, my grocery list… you get the picture.

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Taglines – how copywriters say it all in three or four words

December 08, 2009

Creative Commons License” photo credit: Jonty Wareing

For their size, taglines sure carry a lot of weight.

In just a few mighty words, you are making a statement that:

  • Explains what your business is really about
  • Conveys your promise to your clients
  • Works for today – and has legs for tomorrow
  • Touches an emotional chord with the reader
  • Is easy for your target market to “get”
  • Has “stand-out” value

It sounds simple enough, doesn’t it?

It isn’t.

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