Mud musings

Do you feed off pressure?

January 25, 2010

Running feet - redToday is Monday – the beginning of a whole new week.

I feel like a runner at the start line. Anything can happen now. The phone will ring or an email will come in, and I’ll be off – pounding at the keyboard, draining the coffee pot, feeling the rush of excitement, and soon…. bending under the weight of the stress. Read more

Making a list and checking it twice

December 18, 2009

It’s the Christmas season. Do you know how I know?

IMG_0380_2_2_2I know it’s Christmas because I have no fewer than five lists on the go. My gift list, a secret gift list for my kids and husband, a list of year-end projects to complete, today’s MUD to do list, my grocery list… you get the picture.

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11 tips for communicating with the virtual team

March 25, 2009

These days, it’s not unusual to conduct business with team members in different cities or countries. Recently, I had an opportunity to work on an exciting project along with other individuals who were also outsourced.

We “met” every week through conference calls and our project manager, working from his home office, kept everyone on track. Although we were independents, it was important that we gelled as a team to deliver the best results for our client.

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Post office blues

September 03, 2008

A recent blog from Sue Horner of Red Jacket Diaries bemoans the fact that there is no glamour in the air anymore. Airlines feeling the pinch of rising prices seem to have forgotten about flying higher for satisfied customers.

Happily, I am writing this as I enjoy a smooth and friendly Westjet flight from Calgary to London. ( Although, I had to switch planes in Winnipeg, so it remains to be seen if my suitcase will make it or not.) But I digress.

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