December 10, 2019

There’s a lot of love for videos on the internet these days.
Social Media Week says that by 2022, the number of videos crossing the internet per second will approach 1 million translating into 82 percent of all online traffic.
If you’re considering making explainer or micro-learning videos part of your marketing strategy, make sure they have these four key ingredients to make them resonate and stick with your viewers. Read more
March 25, 2017
When you need information, advice or directions, where do you go? If you’re like most people on the planet, your go-to source is the Internet. You can literally find anything about everything on the Internet.
There is more digital content on the web than we can possibly consume in a lifetime. Which may be great if you’re a searcher. But if you’re a company that wants to build a strong connection with your prospects and customers…not so much.
How do you make your message stand out in the Internet quagmire? Read more
November 08, 2014
Is your brand cowering in the corner, whipped into submission over the years by several writers taking a stab at it?
OK, that sounds more painful than it is. But the point is your “brand” may be suffering from an identity crisis. Read more