March 25, 2017
When you need information, advice or directions, where do you go? If you’re like most people on the planet, your go-to source is the Internet. You can literally find anything about everything on the Internet.
There is more digital content on the web than we can possibly consume in a lifetime. Which may be great if you’re a searcher. But if you’re a company that wants to build a strong connection with your prospects and customers…not so much.
How do you make your message stand out in the Internet quagmire? Read more
October 26, 2014
Of course that’s an absurd question. We don’t sell to search engines – we sell to humans.
And yet, so many websites tend to pander to the search engines. Why? For top rankings, of course. Read more
February 08, 2010

photo credit: Search Engine People Blog
What’s a keyword?
Keywords (or keyphrases) are the words people type in the Google box to find something specific on the web.
Why do I care?
Let’s say you run a daycare centre in Toronto. A searcher types “Toronto daycare centre” in the search box, and you just happen to have this phrase on your site. Read more
April 05, 2009
Still a relatively new concept for many companies, SEO or Search Engine Optimization can seem like a magic pill. While it doesn’t happen overnight, in time, your newly SEO-ed site begins to rise in the rankings. You may notice you have more visitors, and maybe you start to see an increase in conversions or sales. These shifts must mean your SEO is working. Now that that’s done, you can relax, right?
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March 06, 2009
I’ve been a fan of the press release distribution service, PRWeb, for several years now. The service has always been first rate. It’s easy to use and I can reach a real person by phone whenever I need to.
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November 15, 2008
When Mhairi Petrovic of Out-Smarts asked me to do a podcast on SEO writing, I was very hesitant at first. I had worked on podcasts for clients before, but never imagined myself actually being in one. Mhairi assured me that it was very casual and relaxed – so I agreed to do it.
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October 21, 2008
I’m currently working on a site that I’m very excited about for a number of reasons. I have been teamed up with some great and talented people. The client respects our work. And this site utilizes my SEO writing ability to the max. It’s a chance for me to show my stuff.
So, in a brief moment of selfishness, I asked the web developer if we could add a writing credit to the bottom. I was told that the only credit added is “Website designed by…”
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